Tuesday, January 20, 2009

That Point In Time

An Event is defined as a noun as “something that happens or is regarded as happening; an occurrence, esp. one of some importance.” OR “the outcome, issue, or result of anything.” OR “something that occurs in a certain place during a specific interval of time.”.

Today, inauguration day, the world witnessed an event “of some importance”. Whether or not you agree with the new administration, you can certainly agree that this was a rather important event. And, all around us there were many other events that took place today. Some you may have heard of (a new VP was sworn in as well, apparently) and some you may not have heard of (my mother went to the eye doctor). But, I can assure you that my mother’s trip to the eye doctor was much more important than the inauguration (likely, only to her).

Later this evening, there will be parties throughout Washington, DC. I’m not invited to any of them and chances are good that attempting to crash one of those parties would get me into some serious trouble… maybe even resulting in my “final” event. But, those lucky few who will attend one of the many parties have spent the last few weeks planning their outfits, their mode of transport, and their seating arrangements. Tonight, they’ll spend 4 or 5 hours attending the event and tomorrow they’ll talk about it with the others they met and their friends. Some of their conversations will be rather matter-of-fact and others will be pure gossip.

Alas, PUBLIC CHALK was not used in the planning of any of the events of today. I imagine the invitations were a tad more formal than an e-mail delivered to your Yahoo! or GMail account. Some may have even been presented on a silver platter. But, certainly, all could have been planned on PUBLIC CHALK because… all of them follow that same recipe… people talk about the event before it happens… then they attend the event… and then they talk some more about the event after it happens.

Some events are more important than others and therefore, the conversation about those events will last longer for those events. Some are recurring. Some are short and sweet. Some are totally unexpected. But these are all topics for another day.


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